Modular philosophy. Sometimes you simply don’t need to use all the features of an entire JavaScript Library. Tiramisu lets you choose exactly what you need leaving out all the unused stuff: you can decide how much coffee to put into your Tiramisu!

Small size. Even in the age of the modern browsers, script size does still matter. Tiramisu tries to keep it’s core size as smallest as possible (about 8 kb for the minified version).

Callback scheduling. JavaScript’s asynchronous programming can get quite messy, especially when a project grows bigger. Tiramisu let you decide the exact schedule order of your callbacks with ease.

Cross-browser. Every JavaScript developer knows how much painful is to write multiple versions of the same piece of code for different browsers. Tiramisu handles cross-browser issues and normalizes your code behavior.

Please pick your ingredients:

CSS Selector

Optional Stuff

Caffeine Level: 0%


File size: 14 Kb (Minified)


Tiramisu is an open source, BSD-licensed project currently developed by:

Gianluca Bargelli

Freelance Web Developer

Leonardo Zizzamia

CEO @ Opentaste